XI Class Admission College Fee Payment Process and Migration System
HSC college admission 2017 1st merit list has published in at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd in 05th June 2017. 1st merit list selected students must pay the admission registration fee for admission verification. Selected students must pay registration fee via Teletalk SMS, Sure Cash or Rocket Mobile Banking within 6th June to 8th June 2017. Every selected students must pay the registration during this period, otherwise their selection and application will be rejected.
Apply Online Here
XI class admission result (1st merit list) has published on 5th June 2017. But some of the students who did not selected first time they should wait till 13 June. On the day 2nd merit list, means XI class result will publish again. But they can change their option in application and add college name or cancel.
Some of the students lost their PIN code / Security Code. So how they recover security code? Bellow link you can recover your PIN number. But it is only one time.
Get Security Code
HSC Admission system 2017:
College or Equivalent selected candidates can pay registration fee from any Mobile Banking system among Teletalk, Sure Cash and Rocket. After payment automatically his/r admission will be verified. Only one time you have to pay registration fee.
First Confirmation of Admission selected students can pay registration fees by mobile banking within 06th June to 08th June 2017. After payment automatically students primary confirmation of admission will be held.
HSC Admission Registration Fee Payment Method:
Teletalk: board fee- BDT.185 + Teletalk service charge- BDT. 14.80 = Total BDT. 199.80
Sure cash: board fee- BDT.185 + Sure cash service charge- BDT. 03 = Total BDT. 188.00
Rocket :board fee- BDT.185 + Rocket service charge- BDT. 04 = Total BDT. 189.00
How to pay?
CAD<Space>Board<Space>Roll<Space>Year<Space>Security Code sends 16222.
For Example: CAD DHA 102878 2017 780963
Note: DHA= Your Education Board Name 1st 3 alphabet, 102548= your SSC roll number, 2017= your Passing year and 758965 is your Security Code.
Return SMS: – CAD<Space>YES<Space>PIN<Space>Contact Number sends it to 16222.
For Example: CAD YES 12458935 01675XXXXX
Note: 12458935 means PIN Number
DBBL Rocket
Step 1: dial *322# found Screen 1,
Step 2: in Screen 1 select payment and found Screen 2,
Step 3: select Bill pay
Step 4: entry Biller ID 515
Step 5: entry in Bill Number, like: Bill Number< board code><passing year><roll no>security code>
Step 6: entry BDT.185
Step 7: provide PIN number
Sure cash:
Step 1: dial in mobile (Teletalk: *357#,Airtel: *257#, Banglalink: *495#, Grameen Phone/ Robi: 09609090909 or 09606060606
Step 2: Select payment
Step 3: Entry CAD
Step 4: Entry Student ID< board code><passing year><roll no>
Step 5: Entry Security Code
Step 6: entry PIN Code
Please see the complete instruction payment in Mobile Banking:
Education Board Name: Short Code
Dhaka Education Board: DHA
Comilla Education Board: COM
Rajshahi Education Board: RAJ
Jessore Education Board: JES
Chittagong Education Board: CHI
Barisal Education Board: BAR
Sylhet Education Board: SYL
Dinajpur Education Board: DIN
Madrasha Education Board: MAD
Bangladesh Technical Education Board: TEC
Bangladesh Open University: BOU
HSC Migration and New Application 2017 admission process:
Migration & New admission application will start from 09th June 2017 and it will continue up to 10th June 2017. Let’s Check who are able to HSC Admission Migration & New Application from below:
=> Students who pay BDT. 185 (as board fee), only they can apply in migration. After migration, no chance to back previous college.
=> Who were not applying before is eligible for online application. They have to pay BDT. 150 by Teletalk mobile phone.
=> Student who get selection in 1st merit list, but not pay board registration fee, can apply online in this stage by paying BDT. 150 by Teletalk mobile.
=> Whose were not selected in 1st result, they can change Institution Addition or Dissemination and Option without paying any application fees.
XI Admission 2017-2018 Summary :
1. Online Application Start: 09 May 2017
2. Deadline Application: 26 May 2017 at 11:59 PM
3. XI Class Admission Result publish 1st Merit list: 05 June 2017
4. College Selected list: 6-7 June 2017.
5. 2nd Time College Migration and Application: 9-10 June 2017
6. 2nd Time Result Merit list: 13 June 2017.
7. 3rd Time College Migration and Application: 16-17 June and 3rd Merit list Result 18 June 2017
8. XI Class Admission start: 20-22 June and 28-29 June 2017
9. Class Start : 1st July 2017.
New Instruction Here
Apply Online Here
bdresultjobxiclassadmission 2016-17. xi admission 2017. www xiclassadmission gov bd Result. xi class admission result. www xiadmission gov bd. xi admission. xiclassadmission result. xi class admission result 2017. xi admission bd. xi class admission gov bd. XI Class admission online result. xi admission result. www xiclassadmission gov bd result 2016. xi admission result 2017. xiadmission gov bd. app xiclassadmission gov bd. XI Class Inter-Board Admission System (Session: 2017-2018). xiadmission. xi class inter-board admission system. xi class admission system.
HSC college admission 2017 1st merit list has published in at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd in 05th June 2017. 1st merit list selected students must pay the admission registration fee for admission verification. Selected students must pay registration fee via Teletalk SMS, Sure Cash or Rocket Mobile Banking within 6th June to 8th June 2017. Every selected students must pay the registration during this period, otherwise their selection and application will be rejected.
Apply Online Here
XI class admission result (1st merit list) has published on 5th June 2017. But some of the students who did not selected first time they should wait till 13 June. On the day 2nd merit list, means XI class result will publish again. But they can change their option in application and add college name or cancel.
Some of the students lost their PIN code / Security Code. So how they recover security code? Bellow link you can recover your PIN number. But it is only one time.
Get Security Code
HSC Admission system 2017:
College or Equivalent selected candidates can pay registration fee from any Mobile Banking system among Teletalk, Sure Cash and Rocket. After payment automatically his/r admission will be verified. Only one time you have to pay registration fee.
First Confirmation of Admission selected students can pay registration fees by mobile banking within 06th June to 08th June 2017. After payment automatically students primary confirmation of admission will be held.
HSC Admission Registration Fee Payment Method:
Teletalk: board fee- BDT.185 + Teletalk service charge- BDT. 14.80 = Total BDT. 199.80
Sure cash: board fee- BDT.185 + Sure cash service charge- BDT. 03 = Total BDT. 188.00
Rocket :board fee- BDT.185 + Rocket service charge- BDT. 04 = Total BDT. 189.00
How to pay?
CAD<Space>Board<Space>Roll<Space>Year<Space>Security Code sends 16222.
For Example: CAD DHA 102878 2017 780963
Note: DHA= Your Education Board Name 1st 3 alphabet, 102548= your SSC roll number, 2017= your Passing year and 758965 is your Security Code.
Return SMS: – CAD<Space>YES<Space>PIN<Space>Contact Number sends it to 16222.
For Example: CAD YES 12458935 01675XXXXX
Note: 12458935 means PIN Number
DBBL Rocket
Step 1: dial *322# found Screen 1,
Step 2: in Screen 1 select payment and found Screen 2,
Step 3: select Bill pay
Step 4: entry Biller ID 515
Step 5: entry in Bill Number, like: Bill Number< board code><passing year><roll no>security code>
Step 6: entry BDT.185
Step 7: provide PIN number
Sure cash:
Step 1: dial in mobile (Teletalk: *357#,Airtel: *257#, Banglalink: *495#, Grameen Phone/ Robi: 09609090909 or 09606060606
Step 2: Select payment
Step 3: Entry CAD
Step 4: Entry Student ID< board code><passing year><roll no>
Step 5: Entry Security Code
Step 6: entry PIN Code
Please see the complete instruction payment in Mobile Banking:
Education Board Name: Short Code
Dhaka Education Board: DHA
Comilla Education Board: COM
Rajshahi Education Board: RAJ
Jessore Education Board: JES
Chittagong Education Board: CHI
Barisal Education Board: BAR
Sylhet Education Board: SYL
Dinajpur Education Board: DIN
Madrasha Education Board: MAD
Bangladesh Technical Education Board: TEC
Bangladesh Open University: BOU
HSC Migration and New Application 2017 admission process:
Migration & New admission application will start from 09th June 2017 and it will continue up to 10th June 2017. Let’s Check who are able to HSC Admission Migration & New Application from below:
=> Students who pay BDT. 185 (as board fee), only they can apply in migration. After migration, no chance to back previous college.
=> Who were not applying before is eligible for online application. They have to pay BDT. 150 by Teletalk mobile phone.
=> Student who get selection in 1st merit list, but not pay board registration fee, can apply online in this stage by paying BDT. 150 by Teletalk mobile.
=> Whose were not selected in 1st result, they can change Institution Addition or Dissemination and Option without paying any application fees.
XI Admission 2017-2018 Summary :
1. Online Application Start: 09 May 2017
2. Deadline Application: 26 May 2017 at 11:59 PM
3. XI Class Admission Result publish 1st Merit list: 05 June 2017
4. College Selected list: 6-7 June 2017.
5. 2nd Time College Migration and Application: 9-10 June 2017
6. 2nd Time Result Merit list: 13 June 2017.
7. 3rd Time College Migration and Application: 16-17 June and 3rd Merit list Result 18 June 2017
8. XI Class Admission start: 20-22 June and 28-29 June 2017
9. Class Start : 1st July 2017.
New Instruction Here
Apply Online Here
bdresultjobxiclassadmission 2016-17. xi admission 2017. www xiclassadmission gov bd Result. xi class admission result. www xiadmission gov bd. xi admission. xiclassadmission result. xi class admission result 2017. xi admission bd. xi class admission gov bd. XI Class admission online result. xi admission result. www xiclassadmission gov bd result 2016. xi admission result 2017. xiadmission gov bd. app xiclassadmission gov bd. XI Class Inter-Board Admission System (Session: 2017-2018). xiadmission. xi class inter-board admission system. xi class admission system.