Comilla University (COU) Admission Circular 2017-18 has been published on official website Comilla University (COU) Admission Circular 2017-18 will be the beginning date of 07 September, 2017 to 10 October, 2017. Comilla University (COU) Admission Circular 2017-18 and Admission related all information will be found in Official website at . Apply instruction, Payment Instruction, Admit Card information, Seat plan, Admission test mark distribution and admission test result are given below:
1. Online Admission start: 07 September, 2017
2. Online Admission deadline: 10 October, 2017
3. Examination Date:
A Unit: 17/11/2017 at 10:00AM to 11.00AM
B Unit: 17/11/2017 at 03:00PM to 04.00PM
C Unit: 18/11/2017 at 10:00AM to 11.00AM
4. Admission Eligibility:
a. Applicant must Bangladeshi citizen by birth.
b. SSC/Equivalent passing year 2014 or 2015 in science group.
c. HSC/Equivalent passed in 2016 or 2017
d. Unit A: Candidates must have total GPA 6.50 with fourth subject in SSC and HSC level exams.
Unit B: Candidates must have total GPA 6.00 with fourth subject in SSC and HSC level exams.
Unit C: Candidates must have total GPA 6.50 with fourth subject in SSC and HSC level exams.
5. Comilla University (COU) Mark Distribution:
6. Comilla University (COU) Admission Registration Fee: BDT 550/-
7. Comilla University (COU) Apply Instruction:
Every interested student can apply for Comilla University (COU) via Teletalk Mobile Operator below instruction.
1st SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
COU <space> First 3 Letter of HSC Board Name <space> HSC Roll<space>HSC passing year <space> First 3 Letter of SSC Board Name<space>SSC Roll <space>SSC passing year<space> Unit Name (A,B,C) and send to 16222
Example: COU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 B and send 16222
O Level Student:
COU <space> GCE<space> A level Candidate Number<space>A level passing year <space> Unit Name (A,B,C) and send to 16222
COU<space>GCE<space>123456<space>2017<space>A and send 16222
Example: COU GCE 123456 2017 A and send 16222
8. Application For Quota:
Fridom Fighter-FFQ
Tribe: TQ
Non-tribal: NTQ
Physical Disability Quota: PDQ
Dependent Quota:QW
For Freedom Fighter Quota:
COU<space>COM<space>123456<space>2017<space>COM<space>123456<space>2015<space>A<space>FFQ and send 16222
Example: COU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 B FFQ and send 16222
Reply: Applicant’s Name, Unit Registration Fee will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is (8 digit number). This PIN number note.
2nd SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
COU <space> YES <space> PIN <space>Your Mobile Number and send to 16222
Example: COU YES 1234 012345678912 send to 16222
Reply: Congratulations! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for Comilla University (COU) User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx).
Please note this User ID and Password.
9. Comilla University (COU) Admit Card Download:
Every applicant Comilla University (COU) can download below instruction:
a. Please prepare a color Photograph (Dimension 300x300 pixel less 100KB) and signature (Dimension 300x80 pixel less 60KB).
b. Visit: and Login your User Id and Password.
c. Upload your Photo and Signature.
d. Download your 2 copy admit card and print it.
e. There 1 copy self and One copy of two copies of the passport size photograph will be submitted to the examination authority.
COU Admit Card Download: Admit Card Download
10. Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan:
Comilla University (COU) Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan will publish on
COU Admit Test Seat Plan: COU Admit Test Seat Plan
11. Comilla University (COU) Admission Test Result:
Comilla University (COU) Admission result publish as soon as on
COU Admit Test Result: COU Admit Test Result
Any update Please visit here
Tags: cou teletalk com bd,, Comilla University (COU), Comilla University (COU) Admission circular 2017-18. cou ac bd. Comilla University (COU) admission circular 2017-2018. cou admission circular. Comilla University (COU) admission circular. Comilla University, Comilla University (COU), comilla. Comilla University (COU) undergraduate admission seat plan 2017-2018, Comilla University (COU) Undergraduate Admission Admit Card 2017-2018, Comilla University (COU) Undergraduate Admission Result 2017-18.
Comilla University (COU) Admission Circular 2017-18
1. Online Admission start: 07 September, 2017
2. Online Admission deadline: 10 October, 2017
3. Examination Date:
A Unit: 17/11/2017 at 10:00AM to 11.00AM
B Unit: 17/11/2017 at 03:00PM to 04.00PM
C Unit: 18/11/2017 at 10:00AM to 11.00AM
4. Admission Eligibility:
a. Applicant must Bangladeshi citizen by birth.
b. SSC/Equivalent passing year 2014 or 2015 in science group.
c. HSC/Equivalent passed in 2016 or 2017
d. Unit A: Candidates must have total GPA 6.50 with fourth subject in SSC and HSC level exams.
Unit B: Candidates must have total GPA 6.00 with fourth subject in SSC and HSC level exams.
Unit C: Candidates must have total GPA 6.50 with fourth subject in SSC and HSC level exams.
5. Comilla University (COU) Mark Distribution:
6. Comilla University (COU) Admission Registration Fee: BDT 550/-
7. Comilla University (COU) Apply Instruction:
Every interested student can apply for Comilla University (COU) via Teletalk Mobile Operator below instruction.
1st SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
COU <space> First 3 Letter of HSC Board Name <space> HSC Roll<space>HSC passing year <space> First 3 Letter of SSC Board Name<space>SSC Roll <space>SSC passing year<space> Unit Name (A,B,C) and send to 16222
Example: COU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 B and send 16222
O Level Student:
COU <space> GCE<space> A level Candidate Number<space>A level passing year <space> Unit Name (A,B,C) and send to 16222
COU<space>GCE<space>123456<space>2017<space>A and send 16222
Example: COU GCE 123456 2017 A and send 16222
8. Application For Quota:
Fridom Fighter-FFQ
Tribe: TQ
Non-tribal: NTQ
Physical Disability Quota: PDQ
Dependent Quota:QW
For Freedom Fighter Quota:
COU<space>COM<space>123456<space>2017<space>COM<space>123456<space>2015<space>A<space>FFQ and send 16222
Example: COU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 B FFQ and send 16222
Reply: Applicant’s Name, Unit Registration Fee will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is (8 digit number). This PIN number note.
2nd SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
COU <space> YES <space> PIN <space>Your Mobile Number and send to 16222
Example: COU YES 1234 012345678912 send to 16222
Reply: Congratulations! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for Comilla University (COU) User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx).
Please note this User ID and Password.
9. Comilla University (COU) Admit Card Download:
Every applicant Comilla University (COU) can download below instruction:
a. Please prepare a color Photograph (Dimension 300x300 pixel less 100KB) and signature (Dimension 300x80 pixel less 60KB).
b. Visit: and Login your User Id and Password.
c. Upload your Photo and Signature.
d. Download your 2 copy admit card and print it.
e. There 1 copy self and One copy of two copies of the passport size photograph will be submitted to the examination authority.
COU Admit Card Download: Admit Card Download
10. Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan:
Comilla University (COU) Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan will publish on
COU Admit Test Seat Plan: COU Admit Test Seat Plan
11. Comilla University (COU) Admission Test Result:
Comilla University (COU) Admission result publish as soon as on
COU Admit Test Result: COU Admit Test Result
Any update Please visit here
Tags: cou teletalk com bd,, Comilla University (COU), Comilla University (COU) Admission circular 2017-18. cou ac bd. Comilla University (COU) admission circular 2017-2018. cou admission circular. Comilla University (COU) admission circular. Comilla University, Comilla University (COU), comilla. Comilla University (COU) undergraduate admission seat plan 2017-2018, Comilla University (COU) Undergraduate Admission Admit Card 2017-2018, Comilla University (COU) Undergraduate Admission Result 2017-18.