Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Circular 2017-2018 has been published on official website Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Circular 2017-2018 will be the beginning date of 10 October, 2017 to 09 November, 2017. Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Circular 2017-2018 and Admission related all information will be found in Official website at Apply instruction, Payment Instruction, Admit Card information, Seat plan, Admission test mark distribution and admission test result are given below:
1. Online Admission start: 20 October 2017 at 12:00PM
2. Online Admission deadline: 30 November 2017 at 11:59PM
3. Admit Card Download: 05/12/2017 to 15/12/2017
4. Examination Date: (University Campus and University Determain Place)
A Unit: 20 December 2017 at 11:00AM to 12.00PM
B Unit: 21 December 2017 at 11:00AM to 12.00PM
C Unit: 21 December 2017 at 03:00PM to 04.00AM
5. Examination Result: 23/12/2017 at 6.00 PM (University Notice Board and
6. Admission Eligibility:
a. Applicant must Bangladeshi citizen.
b. SSC/Equivalent passing year 2014 or 2015.
c. HSC/Equivalent passed in 2016 or 2017.
d. SSC/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent both examination individual Minimum GPA 2.50 and Total Minimum GPA 6.00
7. Mark Distribution:
Physics-20, Chemistry-20, Math-15, Biology-20, English-15 and General Knowldge-10 Total 100 Marks
Math-30, English Language and Coumunication-30, Anylitical Ability-30and General Knowldge-10 Total 100 Marks
Physics-25, Chemistry-25, Math-25, Biology-20, English-15 and General Knowldge-10 Total 100 Marks
8. Final Admission Selection System:
1. For each wrong number 0.25 will be cut.
2. Total Number 200 Marks.
a. SSC/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent Obtained 100 Marks
i. SSC/Equivalent Obtained GPA's 8 Multiply = 40 Marks
ii. HSC/Equivalent Obtained GPA's 12 Multiply = 60 Marks
3. MCQ Test Examination 100 Marks.
9. Admission Registration Fee: BDT 650/-
10. Apply Instruction:
Every interested student can apply for Jhenidah Government Veterinary College via Teletalk Mobile Operator below instruction.
1st SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
PSTU <space> First 3 Letter of HSC Board Name <space> HSC Roll<space>HSC passing year <space> First 3 Letter of SSC Board Name<space>SSC Roll <space>SSC passing year<space> Unit Name (A,B and C) and send to 16222
Example: PSTU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 A and send 16222
Appliaction For Quata:
Freedom Fighter-FFQ
Tarible: TQ and see more quota keyword in advertisement.
For Freedom Fighter:
Example: PSTU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 A FFQ and send 16222
For Tarible:
Example: PSTU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 A TQ and send 16222
For More Quota:
Example: PSTU DHA 123456 2017 DHA 123456 2015 A FFQ, WQ
Reply: Applicant’s Name, Unit Registration Fee will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is (8 digit number). This PIN number note.
2nd SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
PSTU <space> YES <space> PIN <space>Your Mobile Number and send to 16222
Example: PSTU YES 1234 012345678912 send to 16222
Reply: Congratulations! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU). User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx).
Please note this User ID and Password.
11. Admit Card Download:
Every applicant Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Admit Card download 05/12/2017 to 15/12/2017 follow below instruction:
a. Please prepare a color Photograph (Dimension 300x300 pixel less 100KB) and signature (Dimension 300x80 pixel less 60KB).
b. Visit: or and Login your User ID and Password.
c. Upload your Photo and Signature.
d. Download your Admit Card and print 2 copy A4 size paper. You have to put a copy of passport size photo in a specific place.
e. Admit Card will contain the Applicant Name, Unit and Roll Number.
12. Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan:
Jhenidah Government Veterinary College Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan will publish on
PSTU Seat Plan: PSTU Seat Plan
13. Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Test Result:
Jhenidah Government Veterinary College admission result publish as soon as on
PSTU Test Result: PSTU Test Result
Any update Please visit here
PSTU Official Website: Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU)
Tags:, pstu teletalk com bd,, www pstu ac bd, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission circular 2017-2018, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) admission circular 2016-17. pstu admission circular 2017, pstu admission notice 2017-18, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) admission Admit Card 2017-2018, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) admission Result 2017-2018.
Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Circular 2017-2018
1. Online Admission start: 20 October 2017 at 12:00PM
2. Online Admission deadline: 30 November 2017 at 11:59PM
3. Admit Card Download: 05/12/2017 to 15/12/2017
4. Examination Date: (University Campus and University Determain Place)
A Unit: 20 December 2017 at 11:00AM to 12.00PM
B Unit: 21 December 2017 at 11:00AM to 12.00PM
C Unit: 21 December 2017 at 03:00PM to 04.00AM
5. Examination Result: 23/12/2017 at 6.00 PM (University Notice Board and
6. Admission Eligibility:
a. Applicant must Bangladeshi citizen.
b. SSC/Equivalent passing year 2014 or 2015.
c. HSC/Equivalent passed in 2016 or 2017.
d. SSC/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent both examination individual Minimum GPA 2.50 and Total Minimum GPA 6.00
7. Mark Distribution:
Physics-20, Chemistry-20, Math-15, Biology-20, English-15 and General Knowldge-10 Total 100 Marks
Math-30, English Language and Coumunication-30, Anylitical Ability-30and General Knowldge-10 Total 100 Marks
Physics-25, Chemistry-25, Math-25, Biology-20, English-15 and General Knowldge-10 Total 100 Marks
8. Final Admission Selection System:
1. For each wrong number 0.25 will be cut.
2. Total Number 200 Marks.
a. SSC/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent Obtained 100 Marks
i. SSC/Equivalent Obtained GPA's 8 Multiply = 40 Marks
ii. HSC/Equivalent Obtained GPA's 12 Multiply = 60 Marks
3. MCQ Test Examination 100 Marks.
9. Admission Registration Fee: BDT 650/-
10. Apply Instruction:
Every interested student can apply for Jhenidah Government Veterinary College via Teletalk Mobile Operator below instruction.
1st SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
PSTU <space> First 3 Letter of HSC Board Name <space> HSC Roll<space>HSC passing year <space> First 3 Letter of SSC Board Name<space>SSC Roll <space>SSC passing year<space> Unit Name (A,B and C) and send to 16222
Example: PSTU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 A and send 16222
Appliaction For Quata:
Freedom Fighter-FFQ
Tarible: TQ and see more quota keyword in advertisement.
For Freedom Fighter:
Example: PSTU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 A FFQ and send 16222
For Tarible:
Example: PSTU CHI 123456 2017 CHI 123456 2015 A TQ and send 16222
For More Quota:
Example: PSTU DHA 123456 2017 DHA 123456 2015 A FFQ, WQ
Reply: Applicant’s Name, Unit Registration Fee will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is (8 digit number). This PIN number note.
2nd SMS: Go to Mobile phone SMS option and type:
PSTU <space> YES <space> PIN <space>Your Mobile Number and send to 16222
Example: PSTU YES 1234 012345678912 send to 16222
Reply: Congratulations! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU). User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx).
Please note this User ID and Password.
11. Admit Card Download:
Every applicant Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Admit Card download 05/12/2017 to 15/12/2017 follow below instruction:
a. Please prepare a color Photograph (Dimension 300x300 pixel less 100KB) and signature (Dimension 300x80 pixel less 60KB).
b. Visit: or and Login your User ID and Password.
c. Upload your Photo and Signature.
d. Download your Admit Card and print 2 copy A4 size paper. You have to put a copy of passport size photo in a specific place.
e. Admit Card will contain the Applicant Name, Unit and Roll Number.
12. Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan:
Jhenidah Government Veterinary College Admission Examination Center and Test Seat Plan will publish on
PSTU Seat Plan: PSTU Seat Plan
13. Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission Test Result:
Jhenidah Government Veterinary College admission result publish as soon as on
PSTU Test Result: PSTU Test Result
Any update Please visit here
PSTU Official Website: Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU)
Tags:, pstu teletalk com bd,, www pstu ac bd, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) Admission circular 2017-2018, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) admission circular 2016-17. pstu admission circular 2017, pstu admission notice 2017-18, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) admission Admit Card 2017-2018, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) admission Result 2017-2018.