
Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Officer (Cash) Job Circular 2018

Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Officer (Cash) Job Circular 2017 published in https://erecruitment.bb.org.bd/onlineapp/joblist.php. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online via Bangladesh Bank e-recruitment system at https://erecruitment.bb.org.bd/onlineapp/joblist.php. There are some rules and restrictions for apply. If you Eligible candidate can apply for the position this job, you should submit your application within 05 August 2018. Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Officer Job Circular 2018 details information are given below and more information Bank Job:
Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Officer (Cash) Job Circular 2018

Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Officer (Cash) Job Circular 2018

Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Officer (Cash) Job Circular 2018

Job Circular Summary: 

1. Position : Officer (Cash)
2. Number of total post:319
3. Application Start: 11/07/2018
4. Application deadline: 05/08/2018
5. Age as on 01/04/2018
a. 30 years maximum
b. 32 Years maximum in case of son/daughter of freedom fighter or Handicapped Quota
6. Salary: Under National Pay Scale 2015, BDT 16000-16800-17640-18530-19460-20440-21470-22550-23680-24870-26120-27430-28810-30260-31780-33370-35040-36800-38640

7. Educational Qualification:
a. Four year Honors/Masters degree from any Govt. approved university with at-least one first division/class. Third division/class in any examination is not allowed.
b. For O’ level and A’ level or equivalent students must need certificate.
c. For any Foreign University students need to submit necessary papers

Required Grading to balance division:
For SSC and HSC result only:
SSC & HSC Exam Result Division
CGPA 3.00 to more 1st division
CGPA 2.00 to CGPA 3.00 2nd division
CGPA 1.00 to CGPA 2.00 3rd division

For SSC and HSC result only:
SSC & HSC Exam Result Division
CGPA 3.00 to more 1st division
CGPA 2.00 to CGPA 3.00 2nd division
CGPA 1.00 to CGPA 2.00 3rd division

Getting University CGPA       Similar class or division
Scale at CGPA 4.00                 Scale at CGPA 5.00
CGPA 3.00 to more                  CGPA 3.75 to more                    1st division
CGPA 2.25 to CGPA 3.00        CGPA 2.813 to CGPA 3.75       2nd division
CGPA 1.65 to CGPA 2.25        CGPA 2.063 to CGPA 2.813      3rd division

8. Application Instruction:
a. Every eligible interested person have to apply online. They must fill up the application form through use only Bangladesh Bank official website at https://erecruitment.bb.org.bd/onlineapp/joblist.php
b. Only Bangladeshi citizen can apply this post.
c. After filled up full application form, candidates get CV Identification Number, Tracking Number  Password. They should keep it for further .
d. Selected candidates (written exam) have to submit all papers with evidence. After proved all, then they will allow for viva.
e. If any Wrong information and false information will disqualify applicants.
f. Candidates must attend for MCQ, written and viva exam.
g. Bangladesh Bank has power to decide anything and can take any decision.

9. Apply Instruction:
Go To Bangladesh Bank Apply Site https://erecruitment.bb.org.bd/onlineapp/joblist.php click Apply Online. Fill up Your Application Correctly. Fill up the text boxes with appropriate information.

10. How to Photo and signature submit?
Select your passport size Photo by clicking Browse button, to specify the location. Photo Size should not exceed 80 Kilobyte. Preferred Dimension is 600×600 pixels.

Finally Click Submit Application when you fill up all information.

After Successful submission of your application, a page appears which include an Application Tracking number, and a CV Identification Number. Please Print and preserve this page.

After application completed online application, Bangladesh Bank selection committee will call for the MCQ exam in 100 numbers. For that candidates must download admit card and seat plan from the Bangladesh Bank website at https://erecruitment.bb.org.bd/index.php. Only eligible candidates will get SMS for download admit card and information about seat plan.

All the candidates must seat for 100 numbers MCQ exam then written exam in 200 numbers and finally viva voce. So MCQ passed candidates only able to seat for written exam.

If you have already registered (after 15th November, 2009) to Bangladesh Bank CV bank, please use your CV Identification Number and Password to apply. Then selected post and click “Apply online“. Just put your CV identification number and Password. And now hit submit Button. You will get a confirmation applicants copy. Print the applicant’s copy for further work.

11. Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Job Exam Admit Card:
Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) authority Mobile SMS declaration will be published Admit Card. Every applicant can download login with User Id and Password at https://erecruitment.bb.org.bd/career/jobopportunity_bscs.php or http://www.krishibank.org.bd/.

12. Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Job Seat Plan and Exam Center:
Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) authority Mobile SMS declaration will be published Seat Plan and Exam Center at your Admit Card. You can download Admit Card login with User Id and Password at https://erecruitment.bb.org.bd/career/jobopportunity_bscs.php or http://www.krishibank.org.bd/.

13. Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Job Test Result:
Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) authority will be published at their Official website notice board https://erecruitment.bb.org.bd/career/jobopportunity_bscs.php or http://www.krishibank.org.bd/.

Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Official Website: http://www.krishibank.org.bd/

Tags: Bankers´ Selection Committee Secretariat(BSCS), erecruitment.bb.org.bd, www erecruitment bb org bd, www.krishibank.org.bd, www krishibank org bd, job opportunities, govt job circular, bangladesh bank job, bank recruitment, government jobs in bangladesh, bangladesh bank recruitment, bank job circular, bangladesh bank circular, application for bank job, bangladesh bank job application, latest bank job circular, govt bank job circular, job bank, government jobs, government jobs in banks, bank careers, bangladesh bank recruitment, bank job circular, govt job circular, bangladesh bank circular, bank recruitment, recent bank job circular, bangladesh bank apply, bd job site list, bangladesh bank job application, all bank job circular, bangladesh bank apply online, bd bank job circular, bank job circular 2018, recent govt job circular,job websites in bangladesh,all bank jobs bd, bangladesh bank job, bd jobs bank, bank job, Rupali Bank Limited (RBL) Recruitment circular 2018, Bankers´ Selection Committee Secretariat (BSCS) Officer MCQ exam date, bb org bd. Bankers´ Selection Committee Secretariat (BSCS) MCQ test Result 2018.result. www rupali bank result. Bangladesh Krishi Bank admit card download 2018, www Krishi bank exam result com, Krishi bank result 2018.


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BD Jobs, Resutls and News Magazine: Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Officer (Cash) Job Circular 2018
Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) Officer (Cash) Job Circular 2018
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